Your Type - ENFJ

Feeling with
Introverted Intuiting


With their preference for Feeling, ENFJs are thoughtful, caring, compassionate individuals. Loyal and dependable, and having a strong sense of duty and responsibility, they believe it is important to adhere closely to established systems and procedures. Keen to plan ahead, methodical and detail-conscious, they will be committed to complete tasks on schedule and to the required standard. Having an insightful, perceptive view of life, they focus on the deeper hidden patterns and meanings behind surface forms and structures. However, although they are orientated towards the abstract and theoretical, they do not approach life in a cool, analytical or distant way. Rather, having a genuine empathic concern for those around them, they have a friendly, expressive, social presence. Quick to give, and seek, social support, they will prefer to learn about a subject by participating in lively informed debate or discussion, rather than through private study or reflection.


Orientated towards the Extraverted world of people and external events, ENFJs are enthusiastic, energetic, outgoing individuals. Friendly, supportive and caring, they have a warm, personable social presence. Thoughtful and considerate, they take a genuine personal interest in those around them. Compassionate, understanding and sensitive to others' needs, they dislike conflict, disagreement and discord, which they will work to resolve by actively seeking compromise and consensus. As a result, supervising others' work may not come naturally to them. When working in teams they will wish to have a well defined role, and to be set clearly defined goals. Committed, loyal team members, they are keen to work for the common good, and often act as catalysts, bringing out the best in their colleagues and friends. Active, enthusiastic facilitators, who enjoying organising people, tasks and situations, they will be keen to contribute to the team effort.


Using their Intuition to look beyond the obvious, known facts in a given situation, ENFJs tend to focus on the fundamental principles and concepts underlying a given task or problem. Thus, they approach practical, real-world problems by first understanding the problem from a theoretical perspective. However, despite their creative, intellectual approach to problems, their preference for Feeling enables them to maintain a strong awareness of the interpersonal dimensions of the task at all times. Moreover, being attuned to the feelings of others, they will be sensitive to the impact their actions will have upon those around them, with their decisions taking into account the personal and emotional needs of their colleagues. Approaching tasks in a clear, orderly and methodical way, they will not lose sight of the detailed aspects of the task. Marshalling theoretical concepts in an orderly and methodical manner to support their arguments, they are ordered in their thinking.


Known for their sound grasp of theoretical concepts and fundamental principles, colleagues will respect their ability to approach problems in a systematic, orderly manner. However, more down-to-earth colleagues, who are less interested in the subtle nuances of a problem, might on occasion worry that they may lose sight of practical, day-to-day realities. Perceptive, empathic, caring individuals, their colleagues will view them as thoughtful, considerate and understanding. However, if others spurn their genuine offers of help and support, they may feel hurt or rejected. Sensitive to othersĀ¹ needs, and preferring to manage by consensus, their egalitarian style may be misinterpreted by some as indicating an inability to take difficult, unpopular decisions. Well organised, dependable and reliable, they will be trusted to see tasks through to the end. Committed, co-operative and loyal, they will be popular team members who are keen to contribute to the team effort.