Your Type - ENTP

Intuiting with
Introverted Thinking


Gregarious, enthusiastic and socially confident, ENTPs are quick to form new relationships. Using their Intuition to look beyond the obvious known facts in a given situation, they are flexible, free-thinking, adaptable individuals. Analytical and rational, they focus on the deeper hidden patterns and meanings behind surface forms and structures. Autonomous and independent-minded, they enjoy approaching old problems from new theoretical perspectives. Spontaneous and quick to act, they may find rigid systems and procedures stifling. Lively, energetic and talkative, they enjoy variety and change and will actively seek out new, exciting challenges. While viewing life logically, from a somewhat abstract, intellectual perspective, they are not in the least cool, distant or reserved in their dealings with others. Focusing on the broader picture, they approach problems in a strategic, expedient way, seeking novel, creative solutions with a minimum of effort and fuss.


Directing their attention to the Extraverted world of people and events, ENTPs are spontaneous, socially confident individuals. Outer-directed, they have a great interest in all that is going on around them. Thus, others generally warm to them quickly, appreciating their enthusiasm and zest for life. Flexible and free-thinking, they are open to alternative points of view, which they will critically examine in a logical, objective manner. Straight-forward, direct and assertive in their dealings with others, they will be quick to express their own views and opinions. Decisive and quick to act, they are not inclined to dwell unduly on their own or othersĀ¹ interpersonal, or emotional, needs. Energetic, adventurous and confident, they are popular team members, enthusing others with their challenging, and sometimes unconventional, ideas. Not averse to asking difficult, probing questions, they will plunge into things with great energy and enthusiasm, improvising solutions to problems as they arise.


ENTPs are known for their abstract, theory-driven approach to problem solving, which is based on a logical analysis of fundamental principles. More interested in understanding why things work, rather than simply perceiving how they work, they are inclined to look beyond the superficial facts in a given situation in search of deeper truths. However, their orientation towards the creative and abstract does not mean that they lack interest in solving practical, real-world problems. Rather, it means that they approach such problems by focusing on the theoretical concepts that underpin the problem at hand. Focusing on the broader picture, attending to the detailed requirements of a task may not come naturally to them. They will generally prefer to learn about a subject by participating in lively informed debate or discussion, rather than through private study or reflection. Stimulated by challenging ideas, and novel theoretical perspectives, they value ingenuity, logic and rational insight


Colleagues will value their logical, rational, analytical thinking style and their tendency to take a strategic view of the 'broader picture'. Participating enthusiastically in debates and discussions, they will express their views in a direct, straightforward manner. Thus, colleagues who are less assertive than them may on occasion view them as being a little overbearing, or even somewhat opinionated at times. However, this is to misunderstand their confident, challenging conversational style, and their lively, expressive inter-personal manner, which is borne of their enthusiasm for debating new ideas and theories. As ENTPs are confident and plain-speaking, their colleagues will know where they stand with them. Avoiding dogmatism, they will be seen as open-minded, independent thinkers. However, more cautious, detail-conscious colleagues may at times worry about their readiness to discard established systems and procedures, when seeking immediate solutions to current problems.