Your Type - INTJ

Intuiting with
Extraverted Thinking


Inclined to focus on their own inner thoughts and abstract ideas INTJs often prefer working on their own, sometimes finding conversation and discussion an unwanted distraction from their desire to complete tasks in a systematic methodical way. Quietly curious and introspective, they are inclined to focus on the deeper patterns and hidden meanings behind surface forms and structures. Thus, they tend to view life from a somewhat detached, academic point of view. Logical, analytical and orderly in their thinking they are motivated to get to the heart of theoretical issues. Having a strong sense of duty and responsibility they believe it is important to adhere closely to established methods and procedures, and will be committed to complete tasks on schedule and to the required standard. However, their emphasis on Thinking may cause them to question tasks and procedures that are not based on a sound logical analysis.


Orientated towards the inner world of abstract concepts and ideas, INTJs may sometimes need to be drawn out in social settings. Thoughtful and introspective, they may not be the first to put forward their own ideas, preferring instead to consider the deeper issues before contributing to a debate or discussion. Feeling most at ease when working with fundamental principles and abstract concepts, they may dislike managing interpersonal relationships. Inclined to cool logical analysis, understanding othersĀ¹ feelings may not come naturally to them. Clear thinking and independent minded, they will be prepared to take tough decisions when these are called for. When working in teams they will wish to have a well defined role, and to be set clearly defined goals. Wanting to get to grips with the detailed, theoretical aspects of a problem, they will generally prefer to learn about a subject by reading, or through private study, rather than by engaging in lively, informed debate or discussion.


INTJs are known for their abstract, creative, approach to problem solving, which is based on a logical analysis of fundamental principles. Moreover, approaching problems in a clear, orderly and methodical way, they will not lose sight of the detailed aspects of the task at hand. More interested in understanding why things work, rather than simply perceiving how the work, they will use their Intuition to look beyond the superficial facts in a given situation, in search of deeper truths. However, this does not mean that they will lack interest in solving practical real-world problems. Rather, it means that they approach such problems by first understanding the theoretical principles that govern the problem at hand. Organising abstract logical arguments in an orderly and systematic manner, they may be at their best when communicating in writing, rather than in interpersonal contexts.


Well organised, dependable and reliable, they will be trusted to see tasks through to the end. Known for their sound grasp of fundamental concepts and principles, colleagues will respect their ability to analyse problems in a systematic and logical manner. Setting high standards for themselves and others, they value efficiency, and clarity of thought. Dependable, reliable and tending to plan well ahead, others may take a while to warm to them. Moreover, colleagues who are, on the surface, more emotional than they are may on occasion have difficulty understanding their tendency to rely upon cool, abstract logic. Given their quiet outward calm, INTJs may sometimes surprise their colleagues by the firmness of their opinions, which will be based on a detailed, logical analysis of all the relevant information. While others may at times see them as being a little shy, distant or even somewhat aloof, this is to misunderstand their private, inner-directed nature and tendency to rely on cool, abstract logic.